Sunday, July 19, 2009

Looking Out of My Window

July 19,09 Every morning before we even get up and get around for the day, we open our drapes and sliding glass door and enjoy the beauty of God's creation. Off from our bedroom we have abeautiful backyard and when the sprinkler system comes on the beauty begins. We have the priveledge to watch Bluejays,Robin Redbreasts,Sparrows,and even a gentle old Hawk that feels comfortable enough to sit in our gazebo and sunbath while he sings to his mate. We watch the birds take their daily bathing in our sprinklers,the humming birds feed from our feeders and some even eat Cassie,s dog food. One day I heard strange pecking noise, I knew it wasn,t Cassie our dog making that noise because she was laying at the foot of our bed still asleep. I told you that she feels like family too,so at night we let her in and she sleeps at foot of our bed. Sooooooo I got up and checked out the noise. I peeked out and to my suprise there were three Bluejays in Cassie's food bowl. The pecking noise was when they took the food out of the bowl, they dropped it on the concrete patio and were pecking it apart and then eating it. Seeing this just made me smile and chuckle a little and ofcourse my hubby was curious to what I saw,so I told and he got akick out of it too. Such simple little things like this bring me the greatest of blesssings. It makes so thankful for the many blessings I'm blessed with and they don't cost me anything but just to take out the time to look out my window and see all that's mine for me to enjoy. It reminds me of what an Awesome God we serve and how blessed we are to enjoy the creations of the great creator. It's so amazing how he takes care and provides and even sees when the little sparrow falls,and that same someone takes out time everyday to care,protect and provide for you and me. It reminds me of a song my son Josh sang last Sunday. "His Eye is on the Sparrow". I am so thankful that I know that He watches over me!!!!!! One last thought......Beauty can not be seen through $$$$$$ signs, and you can not hold the greatest riches in your hands but you hold them in your heart, and to find them........... you might just need to take the time and look out your window.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Blogger At Last

Finally the day I have been waiting for is here. I now have a place where I can share my everyday blessings with family and friends. Hope you enjoy getting to view Nana's Notebook from time to time.